Sheep skull

I've cleaned up the sheep skull, and it now is on my shelves in my room. I'm going to write more about it later. I never found the other horn or the other part of the jaw, which is a shame, even though Daddy went back to try and find them. It would have been great if we had all the bits. But it's still the best sheep skull I have, and I have four.
The strange red deer antler

I'm going to write more about this later, but I think it was going to be a five or six pointer but got damaged and didn't grow properly. Thanks Paolov for helping with this !
The rabbit skull

This was a nice skull but not a very interesting one, but I'm going to clean it up and keep it.
The duck skull (or is it a goose ?)

This was yucky for quite a while because it still had skin on it, and it smelt horrible. Daddy put it in some water for ten days, then sprayed it with some more water yesterday, and the skin came off leaving just the bones. We've put the bones in some peroxide to clean it up some more. It should look really good when it's finished.
UPDATE: read more about it here.
The red deer skull with the extra tooth

We cleaned this up in some peroxide, and my friend Innes now has it in his house.
The red deer skull with just one antler

I wrote about finding this here.
I've cleaned this up and it's now on my wall in my room. I think this skull is really interesting and I want to write more about it later.
The baby red deer jaw bones

I wrote about finding these here.
I think I've got enough jaw bones now to write about how red deer's teeth grow as they get older.
The one-year-old red deer skeleton (Alice)

Daddy and I scrubbed the dirt off the bones, and we've put them in the peroxide to clean them up. We think it'll take a week, maybe longer.
UPDATE #1: I've written about cleaning up this skeleton here.
UPDATE #2: Now I've started storing my skeletons by name, I've called this one Alice.
The split roe buck skull

This skull is a very unusual skull because it looks like it was split in half but it's still joined at the top.I thought it had been cut with a knife, but my dad thinks it was just how the skull changed due to water or rain. It's now in the peroxide to clean it up and it should be ready next weekend.
UPDATE: Read more about this skull here.
The six point red deer skull

This was buried deeply under the ground and it took two trips to get it out. The skull is very very dirty and we're trying to clean it up right now. It might never become white like the other skulls we have, but we're trying lots of things to clean it up.
UPDATE: See how it looks now it's been cleaned up here.
The red deer stag with soft antlers

This is unusual because the antlers are soft. Normally antlers are as hard as the skull, but on this deer, they are light and if you rub them with your fingers tiny bits come off. I think the deer was killed when the antler was still very soft.
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