This year has been great for my bone collection. Before, I mainly had just rabbit bones, but now I have all sorts of skulls like red deer, roe deer, sheep, buzzards and fox. I think next year could be the best year ever for bone collecting. Here are some of the bones I would like to find in 2010:
- An owl skull. Owls look cool, but I haven't seen many out on walks.
- A complete sheep skull. I have four sheep skulls already, but none of them have all the parts - the skull, the two horns, and the two parts of the lower jaw.
- A cow skull. This would be the biggest skull I have yet.
- A red deer skull with more than 8 points. The biggest deer skull I have at the moment is this one which was 4 + 2 points. It would be great to find a skull with bigger antlers, but it is difficult because gamekeepers or poachers take skulls with bigger antlers because they are valuable.