As of February 2016, after 416 posts, and over six and a half years of blogging, I'm taking a break.
I've explained why here. There's plenty of past posts to read, though - hope you enjoy them !
Looking for a brilliant present for a young naturalist ? Buy my book ! Available from Amazon UK,
Amazon US and worldwide but buy from a local bookshop if you can.

My brilliant news part two...


This seems to be the week where everything is happening. I've known about this news for a few weeks, but it had to be kept quiet until it was officially announced !

Anyway - I am SO proud that my book has been shortlisted as one of the six contenders in the running for the 2015 Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize, awarded annually to the best science book for children aged up to 14. (That is, books aimed at people up to 14, not written by them, although mine is both)

The winning book will be chosen by groups of young people from over 100 schools and youth groups across the UK, and will be announced at a dinner in London in November. It's a huge achievement just to be on the shortlist, and it shows how amazing my editor Jo Bourne and publisher Octopus are. Here's the full shortlist.... and I have one more bit of great news this week, and I will announce that in the next few days !

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Melanie said...

Congratulations Jake! I hope you win! :)

HenstridgeSJ said...

If you win or not (and I hope you do) it is a great achievement to be on the list. Well done!

sedruff said...

Jake, you're essentially the exact person I want to be someday. It's amazing you've gotten to where you are at the age you're at.

Jolene Mackay said...

Loved your radio interview with Kaye Adams so went straight home and ordered your book! Keep up the great work!

Jake said...

Thanks ! Fingers crossed !

Jake said...

There's some serious scientists on that list !

Jake said...

That's very kind of you.

Jake said...

Thank you !

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